Bra's bday

Wednesday 26 September 2007

continuing on my birthday...

havent been blogging as i just came back from FOCUS camp. FANTASTIC ONEEE!!

23rd sept 2007
since i went back home real late at 330am, i slept in the next day until 1pm. it's pretty reasonable to sleep 9 hours right... i woke up feeling so... restless, tired still, with dark eye circles-totally not feeling like it's my birthday. i only remembered qf telling me in my ears, we shall go out after i come back at 1pm. i was walking around my room like a zombie and doing my assignment because i've 2 due this coming week (starting on 24th). cutting it short, qf said he needed jess's shaver to shave his hair so he drove me to her place to get the shaver before we leave for Gosford. i was wondering we could get the shaver after we're back?? well, of cos i knew there must be some fishes hiding around cos i can smeeeeeeeeell them. and indeed, i saw marcus's car, jeremy's etc. i saw many of them! with alot of foooooood! felt kinda weird being the main highlight for that day. but it was good.. raymond's chicken was gooood! and the thing is, the day before at sydney i helped to get stuff for zw's char kway teow and until now he hasnt paid up! well, thanks guys for all the food. it was very nice!

okay, the next awesome thing is i've got A BOUQUET OF ORCHIDS FROM A BUNCH OF GREAT GIRLS! mich, juns and jess. woohoo! and they're pink!! purplish actually but i was really shocked man. thanks girls!! muacks!

24th sept, FOCUS night

yipeee! FOCUS! FOCUSers are great ppl. so fun to hang out with especially when they've very different personalities. (thank God i went for FOCUS camp) dinner was great that night. we had persian dinner by lish. it was sourish, with sultanas, nuts etc etc. and then, a cake for meee! there were stars on the choco brownie-cake. thanks ruth for the stars! thanks rachel for the cake! thanks everyone for the greeting!

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