Bra's bday

Saturday 24 November 2007

I don't know why.

elliot daniel hughes

I dont know why but i'll definitely miss australia.

I don't know why i just don't feel like going back.

I don't know why that i just simply miss FOCUS.

I don't know why i'm just that lazy.

I don't know why i don't exactly feel that excited about my spain trip.

I don't know why i just don't feel good about my results this semester.

I don't know why i'm just feeling these ways.

I'll miss simeon and elliot.

I lost a top which was misplaced while washing. A new one too.

Chantal's recital was fantastic. We missed one of her solos but the other 2 pieces with violin and cello, were great. Very emotional, angry but melodious tunes. Well done tal.

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