Bra's bday

Saturday 17 November 2007


exams freaked me out. am i just going to pass?
but thank God for support. motivation. and ppl from FOCUS.
i'm done for year 2007!

why? why is it that where there're ppl, there're bound to have problems between one and another or among ppl?
ans: God made it this way, to let us know how important we actually are to one another.

why? why is it that i'm such a hypocrite? i tell ppl to do 'this' but in fact i dont do 'this' myself.
ans: God has proven it in His word. we need to rely on Him.

why? why is it that even after exams i'm finding excuses to not read the bible faithfully?
ans: laziness is the root of all evil!!!! not money! ;)

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