Bra's bday

Saturday 15 March 2008

God gives power to the weak.

This is what one of the colour conference speakers talked about.

Psalm 33. God is bigger than anything else! Seriously, can you imagine how God manage to create the whole of milky way, the solar system with all the humongous planets. God just holds on to us whenever we're down on our knees. He's like the protein molecule, laminin, which holds on to everything which is attached to our body. This laminin is a real tough molecule to be seen on photo. So, let me describe it a little.
Laminins are the major non-collagenous component of the basal lamina, such as those on which cells of an epithelium sit.[1] They are a family of glycoproteins that are an integral part of the structural scaffolding of basement membranes in almost every animal tissue. Laminins are secreted and incorporated into cell-associated extracellular matrices.
Having a headache now? Well, the crux of this whole description is that this protein molecule hangs on to the whole of our body (the flesh, bones, muscles, nerves etc) so that we can stand, move etc. I suppose any molecular biologist would know that. And what's so amazing about it is..... it has a shape of a cross when seen with a microscope! It is like the cross where Jesus died on and it is still holding on to us and God. (Isaiah 40)

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