Bra's bday

Saturday 8 March 2008

I'm so loved by You.

You know what? God is just so awesome. I feel so loved and I hope I'll never forget or take that for granted. He made me realised that there is a cause for me to be right here in sydney. I met wonderful christian girls and fantastic apartment mates when I thought this move was so wrong. (I'm definitely not forgetting you girls back in newcastle okay?!)

Women's colour conference is indescribable. Though I'd to wake up like 6am each morning for the past 2 days, it's simply mind-blowing. It's a great place to be at because........................

you see an awful lot of women! They're so friendly, so chirpy and imagine hearing just women's voices during praise and worship.

The speakers were just so funnny. Funny till a point where God is so emphasized in our everyday life.

The conference was all about sisterhood. Showing how important women are in this world; showing how amazing women can be in handling things which men can't do at all. We're God's princesses! (meaning: we're very very rare and precious jewels in God's eyes. each and everyone of us, LADIES!)

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